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Quaker's Technical Expertise Results in Solutions that Meet New VOC Regulations

January 30, 2012 at 8:01 AM EST
Quaker's participation in the validation of the test method for the new SCAQMD Rule 1144 enabled early product development - resulting in new, compliant technology for customers

CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., Jan. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Quaker Chemical (NYSE: KWR) – a global leader in metalworking process fluids – has intimate knowledge of and experience with the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) Rule 1144, a new regulation that restricts Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from the use of metalworking fluids and direct-contact lubricants at industrial facilities.  The original Rule 1144 was adopted January 1, 2011; however, more stringent restrictions were added, effective January 1, 2012, that will have a significant impact on the Metalworking Industry in the SCAQMD region.

Since 2008, Quaker technology experts have been involved in validating the test method for Rule 1144, based on ASTM E1868-10, providing the technology experts an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of its impact on the Metalworking Industry as well as insight to develop compliant high-performance metalworking fluids. As a result, all Quaker products currently sold into the five county SCAQMD region – LA County East, LA County West, Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County – meet SCAQMD VOC requirements.

Prior to the new regulation, Quaker's product portfolio already included compliant corrosion preventives (less than 50 g/L), FERROCOTE® 61A-US and FERROCOTE® 6130, both widely used across North America as well as other regions such as Europe and Asia.  Both products are compliant with the new regulation without the need for dilution and offer excellent corrosion protection for all metal surfaces. 

Further, Quaker has modified two of its Machining and Grinding products to meet SCAQMD VOC requirements, QUAKERCUT® 010 VES and QUAKERCUT® 026 PE, cutting oils that can be used without dilution.  Each product is tailor made to perform in various machining, tapping, grinding and drilling operations.  The products have been modified to maintain their excellent performance characteristics while maintaining VOC levels less than the SCAQMD Rule 1144 requirement for this product application type (maximum 75 g/L).

New corrosion preventives, FERROCOTE® 26V LD and FERROCOTE® 30V MD, have also been developed, which meet both the SCAQMD VOC emissions requirement (maximum of 50 g/L) as well as the needs of customers opting to use oil or synthetic-based materials. These new Quaker products are available to customers that are not looking to change to water-based or water-dilutable products. 

As of January 2012, the label and Material Safety Data Sheet for each Quaker product distributed within the SCAQMD region will clearly identify the VOC values, as required per SCAQMD Rule 1144.  Any product requiring dilution with water will report the neat VOC value and the value at the maximum recommended concentration.   

"Quaker's commitment to offering a wide range of fully compliant products under SCAQMD Rule 1144 remains a priority for 2012," states Wayne McVey, Quaker's Technical Manager – Corrosion Preventives and Drawing/Forming Fluids.  "Our goal is to develop, modify or identify existing products that meet the performance and quality standards of customers affected by the new rule." 

For additional product information, please visit Quaker's web site at

Quaker Chemical Corporation is a leading global provider of process chemicals, chemical specialties, services, and technical expertise to a wide range of industries – including steel, aluminum, automotive, mining, aerospace, tube and pipe, coatings and construction materials.  Quaker's products, technical solutions, and chemical management services enhance customers' processes, improve product quality, and lower costs.  Quaker's headquarters is located near Philadelphia in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

SOURCE Quaker Chemical Corporation

Eliana Holguin, Global Marketing Manager, +1-610-832-7897,